Everyone’s favourite currency in all of the Realms, it’s Saurabiucks! Backed by armour from our very own armoury, Saurabiucks are currently available in three denominations for you to select from.
- The 1.3
The original. The classic. Introduced in 1015, this marvellous wooden nickel has our signature dinosaur head in line art on one side, and a large 1.3 in a friendly font on the other side.
- The 1.8
For lovers of slim wallets. Introduced in 1016, this luxurious coin is made from the finest of woods. A friendly 1.8 adorns one face, and the insprational visage of our heraldry features prominantly on the reverse.
- The Tree Fiddy
Gamer-friendly. Casino quality. Introduced in 1023, this orange die has a nice heft and feels good in the hand. The faces one through six display the value of the die, with our dinosaur head in place of the one, three trees in place of the three, and five fiddles in place of the five.